Wood Borer is only one of many specialist treatments we have to offer here at Johannesburg Pest Control. Are you buying or selling a house? What about thinking about sending African artifacts abroad. What about those tiny holes at the bottom of your new wooden furniture. Wood Borer come in all shapes and sizes. No matter what objects you may have, if they contain wood, they may be at risk.
Wood Borer affect those in all fields of life, they destroy frames of paintings, structural timber and even furniture such as couches and tables. Johannesburg Pest Control have a qualified unit of Wood Borer Inspectors to identify any Wood Destroying Organism and successfully rid your home or workplace of them. We understand the nature of borer and this helps up treat any infestation successfully.
Different Wood Borer attach different wood at different times during its drying out phase. In other words, a beetle may attack that old tree outside your house but not your furniture inside your house.
Some of the common needs for Wood Borer exterminations.
- Common Furniture Beetle (Anobium punctatum) – These adult beetles get between 3-4mm in length and are Brown in color. They have a pro-thorax that resembles a monks cowl. These Insects Fly under the right heat and humidity attacking hard woods and soft woods. They are the most common Wood Borer found throughout Johannesburg and surrounding areas.
Common Furniture Beetle (Anobium punctatum) - The Italian Beetle (Hylotrupes bajulus) – Also known as the House Long Horn Beetle or the Old House Borer. These beetle prefer newer sap wood such as Pine and Eucalyptus. They are a cosmopolitan species and are found world wide. The fill life cycle of this insect is about 10 years with adult beetles usually between 8mm – 10mm. They are brown to black in color with their pro-thorax covered in fur like hairs. These beetles holes are larger that that of Anobium and are oval ranging between 6mm-10mm long.
Italian Beetle (Hylotrupes bajulus) - Powder Post Beetle (Lyctus brunneus) – Wood borer treatments for these insects are usually required for furniture such as chests and picture frames. Adult beetles are 4mm – 6mm in length and are red – brown in color. These beetles usually infest timber yards. The timber is then left untreated and used for furniture. If given time these insects will leave only a pile of fine dust behind, hence the name powder post beetle.
Powder Post Beetle (Lyctus bunneus)
These are many other organisms that are known to infest or destroy wood. Wood Borer treatments may stop your current infestation but its always advised to have an Entomological Inspection carried out. This classifies any Wood Borer or Wood Destroying Organism and may determine the cause.
Have Wood Borer? Call us right away!
No matter what issue you may be facing, give Johannesburg Pest Control a call for a free no obligation quotation. Termites, including Termite Pre-Treatments and Eradication’s. Wood Borer and Entomological Certificates and Fumigations. No matter what problem you may be facing, no job is too big or too small. Call us right away and have a trained and expert Pest Controller at your door in no time.